Sankalpa means a vow or promise that you make to yourself in order to accomplish an inner truth. ‘San’ refers to an association with the highest validity and ‘kalpa’ is the commandment to be followed above all others. Sankalpa then becomes a vow and a commitment we make as a cornerstone to support our path of Dharma.
Sankalpa works on the Law of Attraction and must uphold the deeper meaning of our lives. It is a declaration that you call upon to reinforce your true beliefs and guides the choices you make through life. In order to be effective, a Sankalpa should be in alignment with our Dharma or true purpose in life.
Dharma is usually translated as ‘duty’ but on a deeper level, it refers to behavior and action that is in accordance with the divine law and your truth. Your dharma depends on your social circumstances, the behavior expected of you and your real life purpose. Therefore, anything you seek to accomplish in life must resonate with your being from within. If it is really the calling of your Soul, your body and mind will have no choice but to cooperate in materialising your aim.
Often, people make resolutions at the beginning of the year, but since these are just mental statements that not made from a place of realisation, or real belief. Sankalpa, on the other hand, is made with feeling and commitment, with a belief that the higher power is your witness. This includes iccha (tremendous will and energy), kriya (action), and jnana (the wisdom of how to deliver that action). These are aspects of the Divine within us. When the true sankalpa comes in, we awaken these three qualities of the Divine.
Rules for making a Sankalpa
Before you set out to make a Sankalpa, you must learn the art of sowing the seeds:
- Understand that a Sankalpa should be in present tense or present continuous tense
- You can’t ask for anything, but choose to become
- It should have no negative words, like ‘No or Not or Don’t’
- You must include only positive affirmations that you can visualise
- Don’t define a specific time frame for fulfilment; allow it to mature at the right time.
Instead of saying, “I want to be healthy,” your Sankalpa should be: “Being healthy is my true nature” or I am working towards a healthy body. Instead of setting the intention, “I will not smoke,” your specific Sankalpa should be: “I am working towards a smoke free healthy lifestyle.”
Suggested Sankalpa for overall wellbeing
I am achieving a healthy body
I am moving towards being debt free
I achieve success with ease and grace
I am loving and compassionate
I am working towards harmony with everyone around me
I believe in an easy life
I believe in being in sync with the Universe
I achieve success in time
I am developing patience
I am open to receive what I need
Creativity flows through me
I am powerful and effective in my actions
Stating your Sankalpa in present tense acknowledges the tremendous will, energy, and truth that arrive with the discovery of your heartfelt desire. It also reminds you that whatever is required of you is already within you.
Once you have identified and planted the seed of your Sankalpa, you can begin the process of strengthening your Sankalpa shakti with every conscious choice you make. And lastly, the core element of a Sankalpa is remembrance. By bringing the statement to mind constantly, you strengthen your resolve and reinforce your heartfelt desire until it is materialised.