Every relationship has its own power dynamic and love relationships are no different. Couples who are involved in power tussles will find harmony lacking in their home. Today in your relationship, if you are the one being controlled, there are questions you need to ask yourself. What led you into this relationship in the first place – were you looking for stability, emotional support, love or money?
If you do not have a strong sense of identity, if you had a troubled childhood or dependency issues, there are strong chances that you let your partner assume control. Decisions are imposed on you, sometimes straightaway and other times, in a roundabout and manipulative way. Your opinions don’t matter and most often, your partner doesn’t even bothers to consult you before making important decisions.
Harmonious relationships that last are those where both partners allow each other to be who they are. Real relationships are built over a lifetime, in course of which, both partners evolve together as mature individuals and treat each other with respect. At no point should one party try to change the other. Instead of constant bickering and fault finding, it is better if you can inspire your other half with your loving example and positive behaviour.
If you are the side having control in your relationship, it will be difficult for you to imagine having it any other way. Power may give you a huge ego boost, but remember that nobody likes to have their real Self supressed for too long. Eventually, this will breed resentment and over a period of time will manifest as trouble in your home.
Your partner has given you love and acceptance and has chosen to be with you, and it’s best that you honour their commitment. Release yours fears of losing their allegiance and don’t try to be in control all the time. Let your other half thrive and be comfortable with their true self.
People enter into relationships for a variety of reasons and they may might it difficult to leave because of fear of instability, both emotional and financial. How comfortably you dwell within yourself and to what extent you allow your other half the freedom to be themself will be the key to the success of your relationship. Remember that both of you are equal partners and will have to contribute equally towards building a stable and meaningful future together.