What do we mean by Life Purpose?
Your life purpose is that feeling bring into line with the most significant motivating goals of your life, those reasons that make you get out of bed in the morning. This life’s purpose can guide your life decisions, influence your behaviour, shape objectives, make you see a sense of direction, and provide meaning to your everyday endeavours.
These are some examples:
- For politician and action film star Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is all about winning and action. “The purpose of life is not merely to exist or to survive, but to advance, ascend, accomplish, and conquer,” he said.
- Francois Rabelais, a French philosopher and writer from the sixteenth century, argued that the purpose of life is to “seek a Great Perhaps.”
- Joseph Campbell, an American author and mythologist, was able to define it in a manner that was both comprehensive and specific. He stated, “Life has no purpose.” “Each of us has a purpose, and we give it life. It is pointless to ask when you are the solution.”
All life forms have one essential purpose: survival. And that motivates them to wake up. This primary purpose is ingrained in our first and foundational chakra, the Root chakra. The second chakra, the Sacral chakra, moves a step beyond to our creative need to express our uniqueness and socialize with others. We transition from “survival-mode” to “social-mode” and begin to develop ourselves in symphony with others. Once we gain a better understanding of ourselves as a reflection of our relationship with others, our life’s purpose begins to take shape and we can picture it.
Indeed, if you are feeling blissful and ecstatic at this moment, Would you think? “What is the purpose of my life?” – No. Only when life has become bothersome do these questions arise: “Is there a meaningful purpose for me to exist and keep going?”
Frequently, we answer this question with temporary goals or sub-goals of the primary objective to keep us motivated and moving forward. Short-term or self-serving gratifying goals. Such as getting a new car, purchasing a new home, or starting a new business, material possessions appear to propel us toward these worldly goals. These yield a sense of achievement and are essential to living the life you desire after all. All of these things, however, will eventually leave you or lose their allure, causing you to require something else once more. The human nature of material desire is ever-expanding; when you reach a certain limit that you previously thought was sufficient, you will continue to desire and want for more. Then we should consider whether satisfying these desires is the fulfilment of our true life goals or if they serve the purpose of achieving our ultimate life goal or life purpose.
To break free from the mundane cycle of acquiring more and more, we must raise our understanding and see our lives from a higher perspective. We must remember that unlike animals, the top 2 chakras of our body are unique to humans. These are the Third Eye or Ajna chakra and the Sahasrara or Crown chakra. The third eyes helps “see” from a higher perception that nothing can fulfil us or make us permanently happy in the material realm. And the crown chakra advises us not to obsessively confine to the world around to satisfy our egos, but to surrender as a higher power governs our lives.
The Purpose of Life

“If you are not growing, you are dying”; therefore, growth is inherent to Life. Naturally, we are only satisfied when we are bettering ourselves or our lives. Everything in life urges us to evolve and develop. When we stop growing, we experience discomfort, fear, and anxiety. When we observe what everyone else possesses that we do not, we become susceptible to negative emotions such as envy.
Stop growing does not equate to stop pursuing goals, as these do not provide long-term happiness. Stop growing in life means we stop making progress in life. Our sincere sense of satisfaction has ceased. Through all the role plays we go through in life, our sense of self-realization is halted if we cease to grow.
The less satisfied and gratified you are with your own life, the more likely you are to be distracted and dissatisfied by what other people are doing or have to offer to you. In fact, being captivated by the lives of others may be a means to evade doing what you ought to be doing with your own life.
What Prevents You From Finding Your Life Purpose?

- It keeps us in unsatisfactory jobs and unhealthy relationships.
- Low self-esteem. The stories we tell ourselves about our identities can either hold us back or drive us toward fulfillment. Limiting beliefs – that we’re not good enough or that we don’t deserve to be joyful – lead to limiting behaviours and self-sabotage.
- The moment you become dependent on others, your own light ends to shine and begins to dim. Your original purpose becomes unclear.
- Self-confidence. One of the keys to leading a meaningful life is to have trust in oneself. Some choose the path of others instead of forging their own, eventually placing more trust in others than in themselves.
- Everyone who is completely captivated by their life’s purpose will not be distracted by comparisons, but will instead be completely focused on the tasks at hand.
Benefits of Knowing Your Purpose in Life

The stories we tell to ourselves about who we are have the power to either stifle our progress or propel us forward.
- You’ll be more focused. “To be purposeless is to be aimless,” Having a sense of purpose motivates you to define your life objectives and stay focused on achieving them.
- You’ll be more strong in times of trouble. The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche summed up the importance of discovering one’s life purpose when he wrote, “If we know the ‘why’ of our lives, we can overcome almost any ‘how’.” Knowing your purpose enables you to endure setbacks and trials with fortitude, resolve, and resiliency. Thomas asserts that you can continue pursuing your objectives because the suffering has a function..
- You can make better and faster decisions. A purpose gives life direction, so you do not have to constantly ask what to do and why in every circumstance. This enables you to make quick and effective decisions, knowing that they are aligned with your goals and true to who you are, so you can avoid compromising on the things that are most important to you. When evaluating a job offer, a potential move, or any other key life change, you can consider whether it will bring you closer to your life’s purpose or push you further away.
- You’ll be better able to make (and keep) healthy boundaries. People who spend their time trying to be everything to everyone—rather than focusing on their purpose—quickly burn out, says Thomas. “Defining your purpose helps you know when to go the extra mile and when to pull back. It prevents you from surpassing your limits and feeling guilty when you must say no,” she explains. Understanding your life’s purpose enables you to automatically prioritize your time and energy and establish healthy boundaries with others.
- You’ll feel happier and healthier. Begin your pursuit of happiness by searching for a greater purpose in life. Science demonstrates that a life with purpose is a happy life.
- You’ll have better relationships. One of the most potent side effects of discovering your life’s purpose is a deeper connection with those around you. Community building is not only an essential life skill, but it is also associated with greater happiness. And it is easier to do so when one’s life has greater significance. Individuals who viewed their lives as meaningful were more likely to have stronger personal relationships, such as with romantic partners, family members, and friends, and to be more socially engaged..
- You’ll be more prosperous. Those with a sense of purpose are more likely to have greater wealth and income than those who feel as though they are simply drifting through life. This may be somewhat due to the fact that wealthy individuals are able to devote more time to activities that give them a sense of purpose, but the converse may also be true: having a sense of purpose can keep you motivated to achieve your financial objectives.
How the 7 Chakras Lead to Your Life's Purpose

Developing an abundance mindset is like opening your eyes to life: You will see goodness and beauty everywhere. This new perspective clarifies your life’s purpose considerably. You question less and less how to discover your purpose because you have more answers and are closer to achieving meaningful goals.
Identify the most joyful moments in your life by reflecting on your past. Was it while you were communicating with your companion? Creating an effective business presentation? Create art or serve others? Typically, one discovers their passions when they discover what brings them happiness.
Examine your skills as well: Are you capable of drawing a realistic portrait? Do your friends tell you that you are an outstanding listener? When you examine the activities or skills that come easily to you and bring you pleasure, you will likely discover passions that can be turned into lucrative careers.
Creating your own life is the key to true satisfaction. This is the key to unlocking the exceptional. To discover your purpose, you must decide what is morally correct and know it in your heart and soul. You must not let fear, anxiety, or the opinions of others dictate your actions. A fear-based decision is always the incorrect one. It will not help you understand “What is my purpose?”; rather, it will add to the confusion.
To truly accept responsibility, one must abandon the victim role. Realize that every situation in your life is the direct result of your own choices and not those of others. When you accept responsibility for discovering your purpose as opposed to blaming others, fulfillment will follow.
You will never discover your true passion or learn how to discover your purpose if you only pursue short-term objectives. Finding your purpose must always be the foundation of your goals. If they are not, you will experience a fleeting sense of accomplishment and will soon seek something else. You will not be able to see that life is unfolding for you rather than against you.
When setting a goal, you should ask yourself, “How will this make me feel more fulfilled?” How this relate to my objective? Utilize a journal or a system such as Tony’s Rapid Planning Method to guarantee that you never lose sight of your purpose.
5 SEARCH INWARD – Vishuddha
Who are you? Practice Self-inquiry and meditate to know more about yourself.
Writing allows us to organize our thoughts and discover new ones we did not know we had. It has been shown to aid in achieving goals, improving memory, and reducing stress, all of which are essential when learning how to discover your purpose.
The act of putting one’s life on paper can reveal hidden meanings that would otherwise remain hidden. Beginning with the following: Which of your strengths have enabled you to endure difficult circumstances? How have you benefited others? How have other individuals assisted you? You will begin to see patterns that will assist you in discovering your purpose if you write everything down.
The Third Eye chakra is related to insight, intuition, and what you might call your sixth sense. Enabling and perceiving a whole vision beyond what your physical eyes can see awakens your intuition towards what you really want to achieve in life and illuminates everything as it is, unhindered by your past, expectations, or judgment. Once you are able to see everything in this new light, a new vision of yourself emerges. Then you can imagine and visualize your true life’s call as clearly as you see anything else.
Finally, Sahasrara chakra is regarded as the energy center of awakening and enlightenment, and it represents our connection to our real life’s purpose. Through our brain and nervous system, the crown chakra is connected to every other chakra and body part, so surrender to our higher self or the universe, or life itself, makes the pieces of the puzzle start to fall into clear spot, forming a larger image of our life’s purpose.
Realizing Your Life Purpose

Although it may require perseverance and time, it does not occur overnight, practicing meditation and other yoga sadhanas eventually leads us to self-realization.
Self-realization is nothing else than getting in touch your true Self and act accordingly with your most fundamental and vital values and beliefs. Then you become aware. You can begin to identify what your priorities are and pursue them with determination.
Once you become aware of your true nature you are able to effortlessly eliminate negative forces from your life and any illusions and false beliefs begin to disappear leaving space to clarity of mind so you can create positive ideas that propels you to feel closer to your true inner calling which is your ultimate life’s purpose.