Every ritual and tradition of Hindu culture has a deep meaning to it. The article and things used during the puja ritual play a pivotal role in healing the body, mind and soul. During your visit to temples and puja ceremonies you must have witnessed ringing of the bell. Did you ever wonder why the bell is rung during puja rituals?
Bell, popularly known as Ghanta or ghanti in Sanskrit, is a vital part of Hindu pujas. Before worshipping the deities in temples and before beginning a puja ritual at home, we often ring the bell as a sign to invoke the Gods and Goddesses. Ringing the bell produces the divine sound ‘OM’, which produces positive frequencies and vibrations around the place. Bell plays an integral part in most of the puja ceremonies and is rung while bathing the idols of the deities, before commencing a puja, during aarti (chanting mantras and verses from holy scriptures while waving the diya(oil lamps)) and while making religious offerings to the deities.
The bell is said to be the spiritual seat of Gods and Goddesses. It is believed to be the manifestation of all Gods and musical instruments, hence it should be played. A wide range of magnificent bells that vary in design and shape like the Ganesh hanging bell, Garud bell. Nandi bell. Clamp bells (used during bhajans or jagrata), Tibetan Om bell etc are popular.
The body of the bell illustrates infinity meaning Ananta in Sanskrit, while the tongue of the ghanti represents Goddess Saraswati. The handle of the bell represents Hanuman, Garuda, Nandi or Chakra and is considered to be the essential life energy known as Prana Shakti.
The significance of ringing the bell is given in the verse of ancient scriptures of Aagma Shashtra that states;
“Aagamaarthamtu devaanaam
gamanaarthamtu rakshasaam
Kurve ghantaaravam tatra
devataahvaahna lakshanam”
The translation of the above verses is that “I ring this bell indicating the invocation of Gods and Goddesses, So that virtuous and noble forces enter (my house and heart); and the evil forces that lay within me depart.”
As per Skandpuran, the sins committed by a man in this life and all past lives can be dissolved by ringing of temple bells. Let us now understand, how ringing of a bell can aid in spiritual growth and befit a person scientifically.
Benefits of ringing a bell
• The sharp sound that is produced by ringing the bell activates the seven chakras in your body.
• Creates harmony between the right and left lobes of the brain. Thus, creating unity between them.
• The sound retains the principle of deities and drives away evil energies
• Removes all negative thoughts
• The sound that is produced by ringing the bell acts like a shock that helps us focus in the Present
• Helps you connect to your inner Guru and be one with the Divine
• The sound is soothing to the ears and calms down the mind and soul. Thus making us feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
• It is crafted with various metals that hold distinctive healing properties
Thus, the sound of the bell beholds immense healing properties that helps one to zone out of the worldly chaos and get into the state of trance and be one with the Divine. It is quite interesting to know that every article present in our puja ritual had such deep meaning attached to it. Who knew that the age old rituals that we follow even today had a scientific as well as spiritual benefit to it. We hope you liked this read. In order to unveil more secrets and the underlying significance of Hindu rituals stay tuned to this space.