We live in an age of communication where the Throat Chakra has assumed great importance. Communication is a crucial life skill that helps you connect and build relationships with people, be it friends, neighbours, co-workers, suppliers or customers. Communication can make or break relationships. If done well, you can build trust and respect, resolve differences and solve problems. Here are some tips for improving communication in all your relationships.
Prepare the pitch
Before you start a conversation, prepare the ground. Do not jump straight to the point of what you have to say, since the other person is likely to be preoccupied and may not pay attention to what you say. Exchange pleasantries first and gauge the person’s mood and frame of mind. Accordingly, prepare the ground before you say what you have to say.
The best communicators are those who are good listeners. Keep listening. Only when the other person develops confidence that you understand him, he will be prepared to listen and understand you. Most of the time you are so anxious or eager to convey your point that you do not listen. But such behavior increases the chances that you won’t be heard. Be mindful in every conversation you have and try to understand what others are trying to convey.
Pay attention to what you hear
You may have paused in your talk for a moment, but your mind is full of things you still want to say and therefore you’re not hearing what is being said. Listen to the other and rephrase a sentence you hear so that you can grasp and convey what is being said.
Let the other finish
It is very tempting to interrupt someone mid-sentence to tell them what you think of their idea. This is not only bad etiquette but insulting to the speaker to cut them mid-speech. Speak only when the other has stopped. Keep your conversation limited. Because chances are that the other person will start speaking as soon as your sentence gets over.
Speak from the soul
Release the fear from within you that it is hard for you to express yourself. It only takes patience to listen but it takes a lot of faith in oneself in order to express and convince others. What you say should come from your soul, not from your throat. When you speak, people should know who you are.
Understand the person
Before you communicate with someone, try to understand them. If possible go into their background, experience, upbringing to know them well so that you can communicate effectively. Avoid tricky subjects and speak only when asked. Say only that which is necessary. Speak according to the level of that person.
Maintain eye contact
To build trust you need to trust yourself first and then the person with whom you are having communication. Eyes are the path to the Soul. Gaze into the person’s eyes and let them understand you. Have faith that you can make yourself understood.
Avoid temper
Never compare yourself with anyone else. Know that you are unique in every aspect and you have your own path. Helplessness and frustration occurs when you need to use your intelligence to change a situation in your favour.
Keep your word
Make your words count. If you have given your word to someone, honour it no matter how big or small the person or the promise is. Do not compromise on your honour for any reason whatsoever. People will respect you more if you are true to what you say.
Remove emotion in speech
If you want to have clear and effective communication, do not let anger/hurt/rage/helplessness/frustration/ego or any other emotions creep into your words. Speak using your mind and ask the heart to stay away. Emotions often provoke unwanted feelings and response from the others and can derail an effective conversation.
Finally, be focused in the here and now of things. Do not digress from the topic or dig up past mistakes and hurts. This take the conversation to dangerous territories and you will lose the point you were trying to make. Similarly, do not drop an argument mid-way. Don’t end a disagreement abruptly. You may need to go back sooner or later to continue it. Calm the other person down and make yourself emotion-free before continuing the conversation until the point is conveyed completely.