Chakras are vital life-forces or energy centers in a human’s body. Chakras which in Sanskrit mean wheels are located from the base of the spine to the top of the head in a human body. There are 7 primary Chakras in a human body that rotate at various speeds and emit and absorb universal energies. Absorption and emission of vital universal energies help proper functioning of vital glands and organs and aspects of human behavior and development. Although there are many Chakras in a human body, there are 7 primary Chakra. These 7 Chakras are:
• Muladhara Chakra or the Root Chakra located at the base of the spine
• Swadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra located on the lower abdomen
• Manipura or the Naval Chakra located on the navel
• Anahata or the Heart Chakra located in the center of the chest
• Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra in the throat area
• Ajna or the Third eye Chakra located on the forehead below the eyes
• Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra located on the very top of the head
The flow of energy through these Chakras determines an individual’s physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Blocked Chakras prevent free flow of energies which then leads to various physical and psychological disorders. Reasons for blockages of various Chakras can be many such as negative emotions and fears, poor and erratic lifestyle among others. Various Chakras are associated with varied aspects of human emotions and developments.
• Muladhara Chakra or the Root Chakra is associated with survival, stability and support
• Swadhisthana or the Sacral Chakra is associated with sexuality, wellbeing and empathy
• Manipura or the Naval Chakra is associated with willpower, motivation and self-esteem
• Anahata or the Heart Chakra is associated with love, compassion and desires
• Vishuddha or the Throat Chakra is associated with self-expression and communication
• Ajna or the Third eye Chakra is associated with knowledge, intuition and perception
• Sahasrara or the Crown Chakra is associated with divine wisdom, bliss and divinity
Various Chakras are associated with various colors, smells, frequencies and more. Also the Kundalini-Shakti or the coiled cosmic energy resides in the Muladhara Chakra. Kundalini-Shakti can be aroused and guided up the Sushumna (the central channel) through Chakra Meditation and Sadhana to reach the Sahasrara Chakra. When this state is achieved enlightenment, bliss and oneness with Supreme Consciousness is achieved.