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Gemstones enhance the influence of planetary forces in your life and can improve your fortunes as they add cosmic colors to your chakras and thus enhance the associated areas of your life. Since time immemorial, gemstones have been used and thought to possess metaphysical powers. These stones have been revered and used for thousands of years throughout civilization, and though rare in occurrence, they’re found almost throughout the world. Today, you can find a variety of gemstones across the globe. Diamonds, Ruby, Moonstone, Citrine, Alexandrite, Coral, and Sapphire and the like are highly demanded for their superior qualities, properties, and, above all, benefits. Gemstones are profound and mystical healing tools that have been used all over the world for the past few centuries across different cultures.

Gemstones are recommended in Vedic astrology based on a person’s birth chart. Chakra Yog has found, however, that when they are worn in accordance with Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, they support with physical, mental, and spiritual health by maximizing their powers.

The power of gemstones is exhibited by the cosmic colors that they possess. The working of the entire cosmic system is fueled by the light of the sun, whose highly powered rays super-charge the gemstones by passing through them. These rays filter through the gems and make them discharge a copious amount of cosmic color, which can be used to vitalize the chakra centers. Used as a ring, a bracelet or a pendant, a gemstone in contact with the skin lets the cosmic rays pass through your body. Through chakras, the gems affect the mind and the entire body. They can help awaken our awareness of the psychological, spiritual, and emotional aspects of ourselves. Mostly, they are polished with good cuts to enhance the reflection of light from them. What makes a gemstone distinct, fascinating, and exotic are the colors, quality, and different types. The popular gemstones with their main properties for wearing are as below:

Ruby (Sun)
For name, fame, vigor, virtue, warmth and the power to command.

Pearl (Moon)
For stronger mental faculties, calm, emotional balance, peace of mind, a happy conjugal life and protection from widowhood.

Red Coral (Mars)
For courage, risk-taking and immunity against diseases.

Emerald (Mercury)
For memory, communication, intuition, intellect and the ability to learn.

Blue Sapphire (Saturn)
For protection against evils, removal of obstacles, health, wealth, longevity of life, regaining the lost wealth and property.

Gomed or Hessonite (Rahu)
For all delays in the fulfillment of desires, better relations with people, protection against misfortunes, and immunity against stomach ailments, insanity, and evil spirits.

Cat’s Eye (Ketu)
For protection against enemies, threats, diseases and addictions.

Yellow Sapphire
For financial growth and stability, wealth, health, name, honor and finding a suitable life partner.

Being the King of gemstones, a diamond offers an opulent life, name, fame and creative abilities as well as all pleasures in life.

Gems work on the Chakras in the human body. They channel a copious amount of cosmic color into the chakras, thereby awakening them so that the individual lives to his full potential. As per astrology, they empower the particular planet that they represent. With chakra cleansing, balancing and empowerment, they cure various diseases and disorders caused due to chakra imbalance. We at Chakra Yog provide gemstones that are natural, untreated and Vedic astrology approved.

The colors that gemstones emit are their primary strength. When sunlight strikes a gemstone, it emits a cosmic color that is absorbed by the Chakras. They are widely used to alleviate physical and emotional pain. The colors, quality, and variety of gemstones are what distinguishes, fascinates, and makes them exotic. All seven color rays are required by the body: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each colored ray corresponds to one or more chakras. You can quicken the healing of the associated areas and organs by using the color ray that supports a specific chakra.

The quality of gemstones depends on beauty, rarity, and durability. The beauty of a gem depends primarily on its optical properties, which confers its brilliance, luster and color; while its durability depends on hardness and resistance to fracture. The unit of weight used for gemstones is the metric carat; one carat equals 200 mg. Following is the list of the most popular and most precious, semi-precious and organic gems.

Precious stones
Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Ruby, Pearl, Cat’s eye, Gomedh, and Coral.

Semi-precious gemstones
White Topaz, Yellow Topaz, Crystal, White Zircon, Aquamarine, Topaz, Garnet, Spinel, Peridot, Zircon, Quartz, Opal, Turquoise, Moonstone and the like.

Organic Gemstones
The majority of the pieces are made of pearls, amber, coral, and turquoise.

These natural gemstones are able to attract cosmic planetary rays that may boost physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being or attract positive influences toward you. A natural gemstone is formed by tectonic pressure within the earth over millions of years. On the other hand, artificial or synthetic stones are manufactured within a short period of time and therefore lack the properties necessary to emit cosmic radiation.

The science of using gemstones to remove planetary issues has been in practice since ancient times. All the monarchies of the Indian, Roman, Chinese, and Egyptian civilizations extensively used gemstones. Let us find out the ruling deities and planets of popular gemstones.

Gemstone: Yellow sapphire

Planet: Jupiter Deity: Sadasiva Cosmic Colour: Light Blue Metal: Gold Beeja Mantra: Aim Bhasm: Pippal Bhasm

Gemstone: Pearl

Planet: Moon Deity: Krishna Cosmic Colour: Orange Metal: Silver Beeja Mantra: Kleem Bhasm: Palaash Bhasm

Gemstone: Cat’s Eye

Planet: Ketu Deity: Ganesha Cosmic Colour: Infra-Red Metal: Iron Beeja Mantra: Kreem Bhasm: Kushaa Bhasm

Gemstone: Ruby

Planet: Sun Deity:Ram Cosmic Colour: Yellow Metal: Tin Beeja Mantra: Hoom Bhasm: Ark Bhasm

Gemstone: Blue Sapphire

Planet: Saturn Deity: Kali Cosmic Colour: Indigo Metal: Mercury Beeja Mantra: Om Bhasm: Shamee Bhasm

Gemstone: Red Coral

Planet: Mars Deity: Hanuman Cosmic Colour: Red Metal: Copper Beeja Mantra: Aim Bhasm: Pippal Bhasm

Gemstone: Emerald

Planet: Mercury Deity: Vishnu Cosmic Colour: Green Metal: Bronze Beeja Mantra: Hreem Bhasm: Apaamaarg Bhasm

Gemstone: Gomedh

Planet: Rahu Deity: Durga Cosmic Colour: Ultra-Violet Metal: Lead Beeja Mantra: Om Bhasm: Doorvaa Bhasm

Gemstone: Diamond

Planet: Venus Deity: Laxmi Cosmic Colour: Pink Metal: Platinum Beeja Mantra: Shreem Bhasm: Audumbara Bhasm

As per the Kurma Purana, gemstones were created by seven different cosmic rays of light emanating from the seven major planets of our solar system. As mentioned earlier, these rays were transmitted in the seven colors of the rainbow: Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red. These seven rays of light are responsible for all the cosmic creations in the cosmos, including the human body. Colors are the frequencies of light in different bands, and therefore they emit energy in different forms, which directly influences the human body and consciousness. Gems work with both kinds of energyphysicochemical, i.e., electrochemical; and pranic, i.e., the vital life force; they are used as jewelry or taken orally as pastes or oxides as Bhasma of the gems.

* ते नो रत्नानी धनत्न त्रिरा सप्तानी सुन्वते ! एकमेकं सुशस्तिभी “
• रिग्वेदा १.५.२०.७. •

Of the seven important gemstones, each one for each planet, may the almighty Lord bestow upon us the appropriate one out of the three (the best, the good and the average) categories. Gemstones empower a person by their supernatural effects.

अंय्य देवाय जन्मने स्तोमो विप्रेभिरासय ! अकारि रत्नधातम : !!
• रिग्वेदा १.५.२०.१. •

The native (who wears the gemstone) seeks planetary clemency and favor through prayers performed for him by learned brahmins, and through the use of gemstones.

स हि रत्नानि दाशुषे सुवाति सविता भग:! तं भागं चित्रमिहे !
• रिग्वेदा ५.६.८२.३.

May the Sun God, who controls our existence and prosperity in this universe, grant us the required funds. Since we offer prayers to ‘Him’, may he keep intact our savings meant for the purchase of gems.

अक्रित्याद्शिर्यम मनिर्थो अरतिदुषी:!
• अथर्ववेद २.४.६. •

Thus a properly prescribed gemstone is capable of driving away the influence of witchcraft and will subdue my enemy.

Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy (RRST) has been developed at Chakra Yog after thorough research by Holistic Consultant Sakhashree Neeta. The therapy is beneficial to anyone, irrespective of their caste, community, religion, or age.

The right combination of Rudraksha and gemstones under RRST empowers the chakras by re-energizing them. After mapping the chakras in one’s body, it is advised to wear the recommended Rudraksha or gemstone on the correct fingers and body positions in accordance with the specific concerns. It helps in empowerment and in healing of the organs and inactive chakras in a very short period of time. While Rudraksha beads primarily heal the chakras’ front sides, gemstones balance their back sides. Thus, the combination of Rudraksha and gemstones is the most effective therapy for releasing energetic blockages observed to date.

The aura is a subtle energy field that surrounds one’s physical body. It is also known as the etheric body or bio-magnetic layer. When this layer comes into contact with the gemstones, it heals the person from within.

We offer customized combinations of Rudraksha beads and gemstones based on your problems and needs at Chakra Yog. We look at your chakras and planetary influences to determine which gemstones are best for you. These gems have been set with Bhasma and mantra to serve as a powerful protective talisman for you. You can write to us, email us, or book a consultation with us by clicking on the link below. With Rudraksha Ratna Science Therapy, you can achieve healing and empowerment.

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